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Hosting for game will require the download and installation of files on a computer

The game hosting has been the most needed parameter nowadays since kids and gamers are attracted to hosting their own servers so that people or their friends can easily connect to these servers and thereby they can enjoy the game themselves. Also, in order to have a faithful competition there are different serve4rs which are hosted every now and then by different users and gamers. Minecraft has been growing drastically for its varying games and game experience and thus many gamers are attaching themselves to the Minecraft servers. The important factors that determine the server hosting needs are the speed of the server, the type of the server, the space allocated by the service provider, the cost at which the server is provided and any other additional facilities that accompany. Also, the support team needs to be available anytime and every time. There are different services provided at different costs.

The factors that determine the cost are as follows:

  • The amount of RAM needed for the server. This is determined by the type of game as well the number of players who are going to play the game at a time.
  • The amount of space required to store your results and data. This can vary from 8GB to around 50GBs. This too has a part of dependency on the number of players interested to play and the size of the games.
  • The amount of data transferred should always be unlimited. This is because once you start your server there will be a huge amount of data that gets uploaded and downloaded every now and then.

History and basics of minecraft hosting

The name minecraft was first associated with a video game of same name developed by a Swedish programmer Markus Persson in 2009 to a Swedish company Mojang. The multiplayer game required a server to connect gamers from different location for an online gaming experience.

Minecraft servers exist in a number of archetypes. Archetypes are differentiated by the uniqueness of their gameplay features which spans across a number of factors, including the rules and societal structures which they implement. No two archetypes are exactly the same. However, the gap between two archetypes may become so blurred that they are mistaken to be the same.

Hosting a Minecraft Server

Creating a server for game hosting has been made easy by the developers, Mojang. Servers usually have requirements in order to run efficiently but Mojang reduced the worry by making the server software freely available for different operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X and Unix-like operating systems. The software can be downloaded from

Hosting for Minecraft will require the download and installation of files on a computer server and subsequent connection to the created server. If the server was created on a LAN (Local area Network), only those connected to the local network can access it.

Managing a Minecraft server

What follows a minecraft hosting (especially for the public servers) is the daunting need to have administrators or moderators to protect the server from being hijacked by some users. The roles of administrators in a minecraft server range from banning a player (for unruly behavior) to editing player names and creating backups etc.

There are many websites that offer hosting plans (often employed by game developers which can be helpful when a large group of people are expected to be on the server at the same time) for various fees.

How Important Is It To Have A Dedicated Server For Minecraft Hosting?

Minecraft refers to a video game that has no specific goals for the players to achieve and hence players have an enormous amount of freedom to choose how to play the game. The game is founded on breaking and placing blocks. Its world is composed of cubes arranged in a fixed rigid pattern and represents different materials, for instance, tones, dirt, tree trunks and many others. The players can move freely across the game world, but objects can only be positioned in fixed places on the grid. By default, the game is first person but there are options to play as a third party in the multiplayer mode.

The multiplayer mode is one of the interesting parts of the game since it allows one to play with their friends. To play with friends online, one needs a server and a host.

The online server

There are manual that provide a step by step guide on how to connect to and play on an online hosted server.

The local area network server

Minecraft can be hosted by a server in areas such as schools, and people can join in and play. This server essentially refers to a private network that anyone can provide.

Minecraft Realms

This refers to a subscription service that makes Minecraft hosting on personal servers without necessarily having the requisite background knowledge. However, people rarely use the subscription because they prefer hosting the game on their server and enjoy the flexibility that comes with it.

How Important Is It To Have A Dedicated Server For Minecraft Hosting?

Minecraft is an online game application that is written using Java programming language. This high power, addictive game grants players enter into a world, where an individual player can customize and develop his/her own world online. In other words, this single or multi-player game offers players infinite free with no centralized instructions, where he/she can do whatever they like.

Requirements for a Minecraft server

To create a Minecraft server, it is important that your system has a minimum of 1 Gigabyte (GB) of RAM (Random Access Memory) to run the server, a ten slot server. This game offers several modifications and plugins for players to upgrade and enhance gameplay.

Why use a dedicated server for Minecraft hosting?

A separate and devoted server makes it certain that you are not sharing a Java Virtual Machine, commonly known as JVM, this is where the actual game runs on the server, a Central Processing Unit, commonly known as a CPU that assists in running any gameplay calculations on the server. If you plan on growing your online community, then a devoted server is very much required. Lastly, a dedicated server offers you the flexibility at unmatched levels because it grants you access to the ‘root file’ on the server.

Most Minecraft server hosts rely on the server software called ‘CraftBukkit’ for the game’s additional features and makes use of ‘creative game mode’, which helps in building custom maps, or map editors. However, some of these servers are PvP (Player versus Player) orientated, where a few of them include features such as ‘Adventure Mode’, ‘Creative Mode’, and ‘Survival Mode’, while others include mini games that are built-in, and others have an inbuilt economy.

Minecraft hosting: doing it easily and securely

Minecraft has been growing tremendously over the years as it allows people from different parts of the world to compete against each other over the internet. There are lots of different Minecraft games that are available to play, but are possible to play only if you have the proper hosting facility. You can either join a default host or create one of your own host so that you can play with your beloved friends or buddies any time you desire. If you are looking for hosts without interference from other sources or gamers then you probably need to go for the hosts which are dedicated to you, in other words the hosts which you buy. Although there happens to be different rules and regulations that are to be followed in order to create a proper host or even join a host.

Maintaining the host created:

The best way to get around with your friends over the Minecraft gaming is to buy the host so that you have complete privacy over the game you are playing. Another way to get along with the Minecraft hosts is to go to the Local area network and create a host so that any gamer within the network might be able to connect to your host.

There are certain maintenance rules which are as mentioned below:

  • If you are the one to create host then you can reset the player at will, which might remove the player’s data file.
  • You can also edit player or even ban him or her if you find their actions not suited as per the rules and regulations.
  • Also, the hosting facility provides you with the additional advantage of creating a backup.

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