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Driving School Insurance Rates & Discounts

Running a driving school is bit risky with student drivers or teen drivers or people who want to learn how to drive a truck. All of this need a bit of safety factor like a good insurance program that ensures protection to the instructors and vehicles. driving school insurance is a must and choose one of the best companies that are ideal for your budget and needs.

The eligible candidates as per the state laws can apply for the various programs that are offered by the driving school. There are three kinds of candidates that usually apply, one are students or teenagers from school who want to apply for license the first time, the second ones are licensed candidates who want to improve their road skills and the last one are the lost their driving license and have re applied for various other reasons.

driving school insurance


driving school insurance offers the below coverage policies

  • Crime Exposure- The employees or candidates who attend the school may be dishonest or with money problems, will also pose a threat to your driving school. The insurance company suggests you to undergo regular audits to keep track of the money income and outgoing.
  • Property Exposure- The threat of a fire damage caused either by electrical wires or over heating equipment is huge and involves a large pay to deal with. The automobiles parked in the garage also contain flammable oil and gas in it.
  • Abuse and Molestation Exposure- When working with minors you must be careful about their safety and the driving school insurance company have specialized policies that help cover any incidents of this nature.
  • Premises Liability Exposure- The driving school should be well lit and maintained in such a way that it should not be hazardous to anyone. It should be built in a well planned way that even special ability people should find it easy to access the classes and trainings.